Resolved Issues


WIFI-6853 Rate limiting feature is not working with multi-psk

WIFI-6932 Dynamic ATF/ QoS related query to Dev

WIFI-7228 EAP-101: some tx/rx byte counts are showing up as negative

WIFI-10082 Provision UI: Venue level firmware upgrade is not upgrading the device to latest version

WIFI-10245 Microservice internal endpoint auth errors return wrong error message

WIFI-10609 Hostapd gets incorrect wpa value for wpa3-mixed encryption

WIFI-10771 After De-authentication of a station, The status of QBSS is updated approximately after 50 beacon frames

WIFI-10885 QOS: classifier is not working consistently

WIFI-10899 uspot captive service not working on "udaya_a5-id2" AP

WIFI-10957 Gateway service: Statistics graph is not showing accurate data

WIFI-10965 Unable to connect clients with TLS auth method with gw proxy enabled but it works with gw proxy disabled

WIFI-11043 Analytics service got restarted multiple times

WIFI-11143 RADIUS requests are sent to both the RADIUS Servers configured in gw pool at the same time by the gateway

WIFI-11203 Session-timeout configured in the radius for Advanced Captive Portal is not working as expected.

WIFI-11208 Idle-timeout is not working as expected in Advanced Captive Portal

WIFI-11209 External captive portal traffic limit(Quota) is not working as expected

WIFI-11213 WISPr Bandwith-Max-Up and WISPr Bandwith-Max-Down configured in radius are not working as expected in Advanced Captive Portal

WIFI-11214 URL redirection is not happening after authentication. [External captive portal]

WIFI-11238 Multiple Gateway restarts Happening on the v2.7.1-Rc2 image

WIFI-11251 Gateway service: Gateway starts restarting while checking previous statistics on AP

WIFI-11258 Gateway Service: Negative time interval and lesser time interval (1 second) in statistics in metrics is leading to GW restart

WIFI-11294 Prov UI: ieee80211w should be "required" for WPA3 personal and enterprise security mode

WIFI-11299 Radius RateLimit is applying for every SSID

WIFI-11306 Prov UI: There is no option for Key caching under SSID subsection

WIFI-11333 Gateway should be able to rewrite the new RADSEC config applied on the previous configuration

WIFI-11397 Firmwares are not added when we delete and re-add AP through Post man

WIFI-11428 Observing RADIUS Proxy logs though Gateway is configured as RADSEC Proxy

WIFI-11429 Gateway Service: Gateway Restart due to exit code 139 (SIGSEGV)

WIFI-11456 Unable to login to provisioning UI with the verified user credentials

WIFI-11462 OWLS UI: docker builds are failing

WIFI-11464 GW & OWLS UI: UCENTRALSEC endpoint env file is not created

WIFI-11469 Unable to login to gateway UI with the verified user credentials

WIFI-11472 GW UI: crash on unrecognized device type in device table

WIFI-11473 Not able to upgrade the firmware image of AP (903cb36c472a) from TIP-v2.4.0-rc1-a4806f7

WIFI-11474 Some of the options in gateway have the prefix word "common"

WIFI-11475 Naming in gateway login page have the prefix word "common"

WIFI-11491 Prov UI: Access Control List field under the SSIDs is not present

WIFI-11538 Indio AP randomly changing its mac address on the staging images

WIFI-11539 Redirect URL not passed to the external portal from Open Wi-Fi APs

WIFI-11544 Gateway Service: Logs section in GW is recording only reboot and trace commands

WIFI-11545 Event Queue is not showing the buffer the events that happen on the AP

WIFI-11546 DTIM count is not updating as per config code in AP

WIFI-11555 APs using 6G band return State messages with "" field as an array instead of a single value

WIFI-11563 Gateway Service: Config push by uploading a JSON file is removed from GW

WIFI-11566 Gateway Service: Copy option is not working for configure in GW

WIFI-11582 Ratelimiting feature is not working on the staging image 0fee3d6

WIFI-11583 Quali Reservation: Unable to reserve Scale testbeds

WIFI-11584 Gateway Service: Search option in devices is not functioning

WIFI-11585 Gateway Service: Unable to set a previously used password for a user in GW

WIFI-11590 Rate limiting with radius feature is not working on the staging image 0fee3d6

WIFI-11594 Gateway Service: Column selection is not happening in Wi-Fi Analysis and Associations tabs in GW

WIFI-11595 Provisional UI displaying configuration successfully pushed for invalid configurations.

WIFI-11599 Gateway Service: Rx NSS and Tx NSS is reporting wrong data in WiFi analysis in GW

WIFI-11648 We don't see the restricted parameters in the capabilities in Gateway for cig-wf188n AP

WIFI-11691 Gateway Service: GW is going to unresponsive state

WIFI-11700 Gateway Service: Unable to perform all the commands from gateway when MAC is replaced with capital letters in the gateway URL.

WIFI-11704 Gateway Service: Unable to delete notes in AP device page

WIFI-11713 Radius cannot be enabled for open security SSID through Provisional UI

WIFI-11723 Advanced Captive Portal is not working on multiple interfaces

WIFI-11724 Advanced Captive Portal not working on NAT mode

WIFI-11730 GW UI: duplicate device statistics API calls

WIFI-11741 ASB: AP is failing to upload the file to GW after triggering bundle script

WIFI-11743 Unable to ping b/w STA's belongs to same vlan

WIFI-11749 Gateway Service: Search bar is expanding out of the page while entering lengthy characters as serial number

WIFI-11750 Prov UI: Changes in configuration are not seen unless the page is refreshed or reopened again.

WIFI-11751 Prov UI: No error is seen when FILS Discovery Interval value is configured above 20

WIFI-11752 Provisioning: Restrictions should be applied on static IP assignment for class D and class E ipv4 networks

WIFI-11754 GW does not remove old uploaded files

WIFI-11755 MicroService Poco library update to 1.12.4 for several security fixes.

WIFI-11760 Gateway Service: Getting lot of error messages after visiting a device page which is left idle for a long time

WIFI-11761 Provision UI: Provisioning is not restricting a config if the static ipv4 address specified is out of range (e.g.: 1234.1234.1234.1234/16)

WIFI-11777 GW returns a bad default default configuration

WIFI-11778 GW reports device as not connected while waiting for statistics

WIFI-11779 GW Shows RunTimException Timeout and may become unstable.

WIFI-11800 Memory leak with ucentral-wifi

WIFI-11803 Prov UI: Allow-DFS option is not present in the Radios Subsection in Provisional UI

WIFI-11804 Frequent disconnections are happening between APs and ucentral GW

WIFI-11824 802.1x RADIUS Unknown attributes

WIFI-11861 Stations associated to AP with mpsk and DVLAN config are not shown up in association list in the gateway

WIFI-11865 GW Trace returns the wrong content-type

WIFI-11866 GW UI: user role fixes

WIFI-11867 FMS Dashboard may cause restart

WIFI-11868 GW UI: firmware dashboard average age is never calculated

WIFI-11871 cig_wf188n AP is overriding any configured country code to US

WIFI-11873 Gateway Service: Logout option is not displayed properly

WIFI-11874 Gateway Service: Size of display page should be increased to full in telemetry results

WIFI-11875 Gateway Service: Need custom timeframe for command history, health checks and logs to load the complete data

WIFI-11876 ASB: Unable to extract tar file after triggering shell script

WIFI-11877 ASB: Unable trigger any other commands upto 10mins after triggering shell

WIFI-11879 DFS is not restricted with dfs:true and developer =0 in env variables

WIFI-11880 Unable to trigger default(diagnostics) script ASB [Error Invalid base64]

WIFI-11881 ASB: Unable to provide signature for diagnostics script [Didn't find userInput box for signature]

WIFI-11882 Error specifying the AP is DFS restricted should only come up for 5G radio but not 2G radio in the Gateway UI

WIFI-11883 With commands: false with developer 0 we are unable to trigger ASB scripts

WIFI-11892 Prov UI: Select Ports option in Interfaces subsection are not configured as per schema docs

WIFI-11906 Prov UI: SSID name length restrictions are not enforced

WIFI-11908 Advanced Captive - active flows do not get purged when session/bandwidth expires

WIFI-11924 Firmware upgrade is not functioning with sysupgrade: true and with valid signature

WIFI-11927 AP stops sending wireless statistics of captive portal authenticated wireless devices

WIFI-11934 The responses from Radius Server are not reaching the Gateway (when the config is changed).

WIFI-11935 MPSK 802.1X access request packet does not contain the NAS-IP-ADDRESS

WIFI-11936 Gateway Service: Unable to open the device in a new tab from device table

WIFI-11956 Gateway Service: RTTY doesn't work if successive sessions are opened on a single AP within less time duration

WIFI-11965 Rate-Limiting Is not working as expected for Multiple SSID's Interfaces In Single radio

WIFI-11966 RRM Service: Multiple restarts are observed on RRM service due to exit code 1 (Application Error)

WIFI-11969 The AP model type is not reported to cloud controller

WIFI-11970 Prov UI: Modification of dtim period from radio attribute to per SSID attribute

WIFI-11974 IPv6 missing on ALB and micro-services interconnect

WIFI-11976 In cig_wf196 AP models, The BSSID of the interface are changing when we reboot to the same applied config.

WIFI-11978 Gateway Service: Channel number is wrongly displayed in wifi analysis tab in device page

WIFI-11980 Could not fetch RRM details

WIFI-11981 GRE : gretap interface silently drops fragmented packets

WIFI-11983 In Cig_194c4 AP model, We doesn't have a latest firmware upgrade.

WIFI-12002 Wireguard tunnel is not setup after reboot

WIFI-12010 OWLS-UI: device types are not selectable when an FMS service is not available

WIFI-12020 Packets drop(More than 40%) between 2G and between 2G to 5G

WIFI-12060 wifi-frame and dhcp-snooping metrics when enabled, AP stops sending state kafka messages

WIFI-12086 metrics stopped reporting after moving from v2.7.2 to v2.8.0