Deploy using Docker Compose

TIP OpenWiFi 2.0 SDK

The docker-compose directory within the deploy repository contains all the relevant files for various modes of SDK.


The following two modes are currently supported by docker-compose:

  • Deployments without a Load Balancer

    This model contains single instances of SDK micro-services. Non-Load Balancer is suitable for scenarios where load given number of APs is below 10,000 or design for network availability is not required. Additionally this deployment includes options to use either self-signed certificates or user provided certificates:

  • Deployments with a Load Balancer

    This model is suitable for deployments where there is a need to scale performance and/or use Letsencrypt certificates for northbound service interactions. This deployment allows the user to scale up number of instances of micro-services to handle a larger load than listed here. The repository contains the instructions here:

The docker-compose yaml files are related as follows to the modes above:

  • docker-compose.yml : manages Non-LB deployment with self-signed and own certificates

  • manages LB deployment with self-signed certificates

  • manages LB deployment with Letencrypt certificates

Docker Compose Environment Variables

The deployments are managed using different environment files for docker-compose:

  • .env : used for non LB deployments with either self-signed or own certificate deployments executed by docker-compose. For additional information please read this.

  • .env.selfsigned: used for LB with self-signed deployments executed by alias docker-compose-lb-selfsigned. For additional information please read this.

  • .env.letsencrypt: used for LB with letsencrypt deployments executed by alias docker-compose-lb-letsencrypt. For additional information please read this.


The deployment creates local volumes to persist mostly application and database data. In addition to that several bind mounts are created:

docker-compose/certs/ directory used by multiple services

docker-compose/{microservice}_data/ directory used by each service for configuration and data. Where {microservice} is one of: owgw, owsec, owfms and owprov.

Configuration Variables

Localizing the installation to the production environment is done through configuration information environment files per microservice. These files are: owgw.env, owgw-ui.env, owsec.env, owfms.env, owprov.env and owprov-ui.env. These env files are used to generate runtime configuration (properties) file when no configuration is found in their respective {microservices}-data directory.


Exposed port dependencies by application are listed below: tcp - OpenWiFi-uCentralGW-UI tcp - OpenWiFi-Provisoning-UI - rttys dev - rttys user - OpenWiFi-uCentralGW websocket - OpenWiFi-uCentralGW REST API public - OpenWiFi-uCentralGW fileupload - OpenWiFi-uCentralGW alivecheck - OpenWiFi-uCentralSec REST API public - OpenWiFi-uCentralSec alivecheck

Default Certificates

When cloning the repository, by default the southbound websocket certificate signed by TIP Root CA is provided for the *.wlan.local domain. Additionally a self-signed certificate for the northbound REST API is present. These enable creating a local deployment out of the box. Production deployments will replace both the southbound websocket and northbound API certificates.

The supplied certificates are valid for the *.wlan.local domain.

How to

  1. First you'll have to install Docker Compose according to your platform specific instructions. After that clone the repository with git clone

  2. The Docker Compose uCentral microservice configs use openwifi.wlan.local as a hostname, so make sure you add an entry in your hosts file (or in your local DNS solution) which points to or the IP of the host running the SDK.

  3. Switch to the Compose project directory with cd docker-compose/.

  4. Default user is: and password is: openwifi

    1. Service enforces a password change on first login

  5. Initialize the deployment with docker-compose up -d. If your deployment was successfully created, you should see the following output with docker-compose ps:

          Name                      Command               State                                                   Ports
openwifi_kafka_1       /opt/bitnami/scripts/kafka ...   Up      9092/tcp
openwifi_owfms_1       / /ope ...   Up>16004/tcp,:::16004->16004/tcp,>16104/tcp,:::16104->16104/tcp, 17004/tcp
openwifi_owgw-ui_1     / ngin ...   Up>443/tcp,:::443->443/tcp,>80/tcp,:::80->80/tcp
openwifi_owgw_1        / /ope ...   Up>15002/tcp,:::15002->15002/tcp,>16002/tcp,:::16002->16002/tcp,
                                                      >16003/tcp,:::16003->16003/tcp,>16102/tcp,:::16102->16102/tcp, 17002/tcp
openwifi_owprov-ui_1   / ngin ...   Up      80/tcp,>8080/tcp,:::8080->8080/tcp,>8443/tcp,:::8443->8443/tcp
openwifi_owprov_1      / /ope ...   Up>16005/tcp,:::16005->16005/tcp,>16105/tcp,:::16105->16105/tcp, 17005/tcp
openwifi_owsec_1       / /ope ...   Up>16001/tcp,:::16001->16001/tcp,>16101/tcp,:::16101->16101/tcp, 17001/tcp
openwifi_rttys_1       /rttys/rttys                     Up>5912/tcp,:::5912->5912/tcp,>5913/tcp,:::5913->5913/tcp
  1. When the certificate for the REST API and other components is self-signed, accepting trust for the self-signed REST API certificate on your local machine is required. Add certs/restapi-ca.pem to your trusted browser certificates or add certificate exceptions in your browser by visiting each of the following URLs (one per port) : https://openwifi.wlan.local:16001 and ports :16002 :16003 :16004 and :16005 Using the browser, accept the self-signed SSL certificate warnings (make sure to visit both and add the exceptions).

  2. Connect to your AP via SSH and add a static hosts entry in /etc/hosts for openwifi.wlan.local which points to the address of the host the SDK deployment runs on.

  3. While staying in the SSH session, copy the content of certs/restapi-ca.pem on your local machine to your clipboard and append it to the file /etc/ssl/cert.pem on the AP. This way your AP will also trust the self-signed certificate. This step is necessary for rtty features and only required when using self-signed test deployment.

  4. Navigate in a web browser to https://openwifi.wlan.local to access the UI and login with default username and password. You will now be prompted to change this default password to something more secured.

  1. To use the curl test scripts which are included in the microservice repositories make sure to set the following environment variables before issuing a request:

export UCENTRALSEC="openwifi.wlan.local:16001"
export FLAGS="-s --cacert <your-wlan-cloud-ucentral-deploy-location>/docker-compose/certs/restapi-ca.pem"

Upgrading Compose Deployments

Stop the running containers with docker-compose down

Check out the new branch by repeating Step 1 from How to above for the given release and docker-compose up -d.

Don’t forget to re-add the self-signed certificates to the containers with the provided script. Also be aware that you may have to change back some file permissions. To obtain the most recent changes as the files are under version control, you may have to change the ownership to your user again before pulling changes.

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