About OpenWiFi
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Established in Q42019, the TIP OpenWiFi solution goal has been to break vendor lock-in through disaggregation architectures, open APIs—with common embedded software and management that is both community- and commercially-supported.
Available for use as a completely Open Source reference, ODM vendors can easily adopt TIP OpenWiFi platforms as either a complimentary addition to hardware offers or as an entirely TIP OpenWiFi based hardware offer.
Vendors and operators can use the community project as a complete solution, extend the software stack based on design goals, or use only the components desired for deployment. The OpenWiFi community includes hardware ODM vendors, software DevOps, OEM, and System Integrators.
For more information on Telecom Infra Project and the Open Converged Wireless - OpenWiFi initiative please visit: https://telecominfraproject.com/openwifi/
TIP OpenWiFi is a community-developed, disaggregated Wi-Fi software system, offered as free open-source software that includes a cloud SDK and an enterprise-grade Access Point (AP) firmware, designed and validated to work seamlessly together.
Membership to the TIP OpenWiFi project is free with the request to contribute as code, test, documentation or deployment. Participation and focus is governed by the PG Charter, Antitrust Guidelines and IPR Policies.
Meta Connectivity, is a PG champion of TIP OpenWiFi. All source code in the program is subject to BSD-3 license and in the public domain. No internal Meta tooling or IP is involved in the project.
To contribute to the project, you must become a member of TIP and the OCW PG.
After you become a member, you can access the following resources:
OpenWiFi project WiKi in Confluence
Development information in JIRA
Team collaboration and communication via TIP Slack
Team meetings
The TIP OpenWiFi group holds regular meetings with Meta Connectivity Development team members with stand up calls every Monday. PG member meetings are monthly on first Monday.
For meeting schedules and additional information, see the OpenWiFi Project Confluence wiki.